Assalamualaikum Peeps!
How's your day? I hope you always in a pink !
This time I would like to tell you about the second week of industrial training as a practical teacher at Tadika Syaz Gong Badak. The journal will be divided into six sections, which are daily routine, reflection for five days in Tadika.
25 July 2021 (Sunday)
Today, I have prepared a Daily Lesson Plan for a six-year-old child for the subject of Mathematics. I teach the concept of addition to children using finger counting. I provided 8 pieces of finger counting because I was not sure how many children would be present and ready if many six-year-olds were present that day. At the end of the learning, all six-year-olds can master the concept of addition and practice using finger counting. I found that finger counting is very helpful to children in counting operations and I can classify finger counting as an effective teaching aids in helping teachers and children in the teaching and learning process.
26 July 2021 (Monday)
I have chosen to teach the subject of Science which is about the life cycle of butterflies. I found that the six-year-old children who attended that is three people were able to achieve the objectives set by me where the children were able to explain the life cycle process of butterflies well using the Butterfly Life Cycle Model. I have used teaching aids where that Model is made using boxes and attractive colors. These teaching aids are used to help improve children's understanding of what is being learned as children can see it using their senses. Therefore, I need to increase the number of such teaching aids to help children achieve the objectives that have been set.
27 July 2021 (Tuesday)
Tuesday is an activity day. I have chosen to make a Pom Pom Popper activity. Initially, children are required to draw or color or both at once on Popper’s body which is a paper cup. This activity can help children to express their feelings through drawing or coloring. And also to increase children's creativity because they are free to draw and color anything on their Popper. After that, I distributed the Pom Pom to the children and showed a demonstration of how to use the Pom Pom Popper. I found that the children did this activity very well even though at first they asked for my help and other teachers. Children are also happy during and after doing this activity. Therefore, I need to increase the number of activities that actively involve children so that they continue to be enthusiastic and happy to learn while playing.
28 July 2021 (Wednesday) - 29 July 2021 (Thursday)
Unfortunately, my health deteriorated after Hari Raya Aidiladha. So I decided to go to the clinic as I had COVID-19 symptoms of sore throat, cough, and flu. To prevent unwanted things from happening, on Monday I went to the clinic to do the COVID-19 Swab Test. Alhamdulillah, the result was negative. However, after a few days, the pain still did not improve and I went to the clinic. The doctor had decided to give me medical leave to prevent the infection from spreading as my job involved children. Here, I enclose the medical leave letter.
That's all from me for the second week of Practicum at Tadika Syaz Gong Badak Branch. Thank you for reading my journey.😉
Stay safe! 💙
Stay home! 💛
Assalamualaikum. 💖
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