Assalamualaikum Peeps!

How's your day? I hope you always in a pink !

This time I would like to tell you about the second week of industrial training as a practical teacher at Taska Syaz Gong Badak.

3 October 2021 (Sunday)

I made an activity of classifying the color of the ice cream sticks according to the correct color line on the board. The objective of this activity is that children can practice eye and hand coordination because the teacher makes lines according to different colors and various directions. Therefore children need to place the ice cream sticks according to the correct color and not exceed the line that has been made.

At the same time, children can also recognize colors and teachers use the three colors found on traffic lights, namely red, yellow, and green. Although there is one child who still cannot speak clearly, the child still tries to pronounce the colors. The other children, recognize and can pronounce the color correctly based on the color of the ice cream stick shown. I found that all teachers cannot exclude children with developmental delays because each child has their strengths and weaknesses. Teachers and I also should not give up before trying to help children.

4 October 2021 (Monday)

Today I had decided to introduce the letters to the children. I had provided an alphabet plate and letter clamps for this activity. At the beginning of the activity, I asked the children to sing the letter song together while I pointed to the letters mentioned on the alphabet plate. Therefore, children can get to know and have fun with singing. In addition, children can also recognize the shape of the letters by pinching the letter clamps on the alphabet plate according to the correct letter shape. I gave children the opportunity to choose the letter clamps they want. Before the child clamps it on the alphabet plate, they need to say the letters on the clamp first repeatedly. I asked the child to repeat along and after that, asked the child to repeat it under observation.

Through this activity, I found that the children were very interested in the activity. Because I used a bright color on the alphabet plate, which is yellow. At the same time, children can also go through the activity well and recognize the shape of the letters correctly. In the beginning, the child is not good at clamping it because he cannot open the mouth of the clamp. After being taught by showing the way and help, the child can do very well. This shows that the objectives set by me can be achieved.
5 October 2021 (Tuesday)

All Taska children were brought in after 8.15 am and listened to the animated Zikr installed on the Television. Some children watch cartoons and some play with each other. After the children eat, the other practical teachers want to do the activity that had been prepared which is to fill the water in a bottle using a sponge. Six children were selected and divided into two sessions. The first three people were first taken out of the classroom and the practical teacher explained the activity by making a demonstration. The children begin the activity by dipping a sponge into the basin and walking towards their bottles. After that, the child squeezes the sponge into the bottle.

I found that all the children involved were able to walk towards the bottle well and balance their bodies without falling. In addition, while doing the activity, most of the water squeezed from the sponge did not go into the bottle, the children still managed to enter little by little. This shows that children are not quick to give up even if the results are small. They still feel that the water added is plentiful and fun. There is a happy face when doing the activity.

Therefore, I need to increase activities that involve the child's physical either in terms of fine or gross motor. This is because it is well known that children and play are inseparable. Through play activities, children can also improve their development holistically.
6 October 2021 (Wednesday)

Today I have planned to make an activity of connecting dots by color on the whiteboard. This activity can stimulate children to practice their various skills. In other words, development holistically. However, I did not find the whiteboard despite having searched many times. I thought I left the material in the nursery, but when I had arrived at the nursery, I still did not find it. As a result, I was unable to carry out the planned activities. 

7 October 2021 (Thursday)

Since Thursday is usually a day when some children are taken earlier than usual, the children's meal schedule is started 30 minutes earlier. After the children ate, I began to set up the place and tools used for the activity. Initially, the place chosen was in the children's gathering section. However, I found that the atmosphere was not suitable. Therefore, I moved to a more closed and suitable place that is in the room.

Children are very interested in the activity because children can be actively involved and have many advantages among which is that children can train themselves to hold tools such as markers in the right way. 

Through this activity, I found that children need to constantly train themselves. In addition, the children have recognized the colors that have been introduced namely black, green, red, and blue.

That's all from me for the second week of Practicum at Taska Syaz Gong Badak Branch. Thank you for reading my journey.😉

Stay safe! 💙
Stay home! 💛

                                                            Assalamualaikum. 💖                           
