Assalamualaikum Peeps!
How's your day? I hope you always in a pink !
This time I would like to tell you about the third week of industrial training as a practical teacher at Tadika Syaz Gong Badak.
1 August 2021 (Sunday)
This week, I was assigned to teach a five-year-old. Due to the Movement Control Order, only three five-year-olds attended Tadika. Therefore, I chose to teach Mathematics which is at the end of the lesson, the children will be able to make ice cream according to the number of numbers that had been written correctly. I started the teaching and learning process by asking the children to say the numbers 1 - 10. After that, I wrote the numbers 1 - 10 on the whiteboard and asked the children about the numbers. This step is carried out to ensure that the child can recognize the number well. I found that all of the children were able to recognize it well even when random numbers were shown. The activity is ice-cream counting where children have to stick the ice cream with the correct number based on the number that had been written on the ice-cream cone. This activity is to make sure the children understand and know the correct number of the numbers. I also found that two kids were able to do well and another was just as confused which was probably due to a mistake on my part as giving little space for children to stick ice cream as there was not enough space for number 7 to number 10. Then, after this, I have to make sure that I have to make a complete example first to prevent things like this from happening again.
2 August 2021 (Monday)
The physical development and aesthetic strand, which is the subject of self-care, was chosen to teach five-year-old children at Tadika Syaz Gong Badak Branch. I have introduced safe and unsafe foods using flashcards. Safe food is food that is fresh, not moldy, does not smell bad. While unsafe food is the opposite of safe food which has a bad smell, has flies, is not fresh, moldy, and others. I repeated several times about the condition of the food whether it was safe or not to eat. This method of repetition is used to ensure that children can understand it well, remember it, and be able to apply it in daily life. Therefore, when I asked about the safe and unsafe food conditions, all the children involved were able to answer it well. They also can even explain the situation more clearly. For example, moldy foods have black or green spots. This shows that the objectives that have been set for this teaching and learning process had been achieved by the children. After learning, I prepared a safe and unsafe food board in which the children had to classify the flashcards in the correct categories. All the children were able to do this and explain back why they chose the category. At the same time, children can tell the effects of eating unsafe foods. This method is very effective on children and can be used more widely in the future.
3 August 2021 (Tuesday)
I was required to do an activity on Tuesday and chose to make a puzzle using the ice cream stick. This activity requires children to draw whatever they want on the ice cream stick that has been glued in advance and decorate it with interesting colors. Children are free to draw and color according to their creativity. I did not set a theme or example of what they should draw on the puzzle because I did not want them to be tied to the thing. At the same time, children are able to express their ideas more widely and freely on the puzzle. Children are very satisfied with their work and play with their puzzles. The children have to arrange the puzzle according to the order of the numbers that have been written on the end of the ice cream stick in ascending order from numbers 1 to 10. At the end of this activity, there are a number of children who can arrange it well even if given a puzzle belonging to their friend. This shows that children who can solve it can recognize numbers 1 through 10 well because they can arrange them in ascending order. Meanwhile, the other children were able to solve it well after getting guidance from me and other teachers. Therefore, before ending a lesson or activity, I need to make sure each child is able to do well to ensure no child is left out.
This time I have prepared some existing materials so that children can use their senses. This is because, by using their senses, children will be able to understand what they learned and remember it. I have chosen to teach about sweet, sour, and salty flavors by using apples, lemons, and salt. In the beginning, I used the flashcards to describe the sense of taste, the body part that involved in tasting, sweet taste, sour taste, salty taste, facial expressions based on those three tastes. After explaining it, I asked the children about the flavors given by the three foods based on the pictures of the flashcards. Two children were able to answer it well, but a child could not answer it due to confusion due to the fact that the facial expressions for sour and salty were almost the same. So I used the repetition method to help the child. I created an activity using children's sense of taste where the child tasted all three foods in a controlled quantity. Afterward, I asked back about the taste they got from the food, and all three children were able to answer it well and correctly. Because of that, I need to emphasize the use of the senses in children during the teaching and learning process of children so that they can feel the experience themselves.
5 August 2021 (Thursday)
Thursday is an activity day and I chose to make art and craft, which is to make paper pizza. This activity requires children to stick ingredients that represent pizza ingredients on a paper plate. The materials used are red-colored paper representing tomato sauce, orange-colored paper representing sausage, black colored paper representing olives, green-colored paper representing beans, and yellow colored paper representing cheese. In addition, paper plates are considered pizza bread. Before starting the activity, I showed an example of a paper pizza that had been prepared in front of the children to attract the interest and enthusiasm of the children to make the activity. Before that, I also asked a few things regarding pizza such as the experience of eating pizza, who bought them, and others. This is because I want to sharpen their social skills so that they dare to express their own opinions on a topic. After introducing the ingredients to the children, I asked them randomly about the ingredients to ensure that the children could recognize and understand well about the ingredients as they had to make pizza paper according to their own tastes. The activity begins by placing red paper as the base of the paper pizza and is followed by sausage, olives, beans, and lastly cheese. Children are free to decorate and glued the pizza paper ingredients according to their taste to increase their level of creativity. After making the pizza paper, all the children involved had to stand up and explain about their pizza in front of their friends. It is to increase the level of self-confidence in themselves. Although at first, the children felt embarrassed to speak in front of their friends, they still did well and were confident after I showed a demonstration on how to explain the pizza paper.
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